Posted: June 17th, 2022

In Chapter 7 of Becoming a Leader by Warren Bennis, the author describes leadership as a crucible, in which leaders are formed by the fire of chaos and adversity. Choose a CEO of a publicly-traded corporation (Tim Cook) and, using library resources

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Question: In Chapter 7 of Becoming a Leader by Warren Bennis, the author describes leadership as a crucible, in which leaders are formed by the fire of chaos and adversity. Choose a CEO of a publicly-traded corporation (Tim Cook) and, using library resources, discuss how this CEO faced challenges and setbacks, overcame them, and then went on to achieve great success as a result of the lessons learned from these hardships.
You should be able to describe, explain, evaluate, and clearly communicate concepts and issues that relate to this topic. All statements must be supported by references and in-text citations in APA format.
SUGGESTED RESOURCE: Bennis, W. Becoming a Leader, Chapter 7

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