Posted: December 16th, 2022

In Chapter Two of the text, art is described as being representational, abstrac

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In Chapter Two of the text, art is described as being representational, abstract, or nonrepresentational and as having style, form, and iconography. Review the paintings found in the eight links below and compose an essay covering the three major areas listed.
In an essay format and in your own words, clearly define these six key terms: representational, abstract, nonrepresentational, style, form, and iconography. Use the applicable text content/required reading as the basis to articulate what these terms mean to artwork.
Then introduce ONE of the pieces of art found in the links below, explaining why and how it is best described as representational, abstract, or nonrepresentational. (The artwork should distinctly fall into one category.) What stands out for you in the painting?
Last, provide an original analysis of the painting’s style, form, and iconography. Include specific examples for each definition. How does the artwork create an emotional reaction and connection for you or fail to do so?

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