Posted: September 26th, 2022

In grading your strategic audit, your instructor will give the most consideration to the quality of your analysis.

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For this assignment, you will develop a strategic audit using the case located here. This is a major assignment that utilizes a variety of concepts addressed in this course. The grading rubric that your instructor will use to evaluate your strategic audit can be viewed here. Be sure to consider the following as you complete this assignment:
Follow the progression of components included in the grading rubric. Use a heading for each component and cover everything in the same order as what appears in the rubric. This will allow your instructor to more easily grade your strategic audit, and will help to ensure that you receive the best grade possible.
Do not leave anything out! Any item on the rubric that is not completed will receive a score of zero (0).
Please do your own work! You can discuss the case with your classmates, but your submission should be your own. Make sure that you appropriately reference all sources. DO NOT copy from some other student’s audit of the case that has BEEN posted on the internet (this will quickly be flagged by the Turnitin plagiarism detection software).
Outside research is required. Library or Internet research is often necessary to identify members of the corporation’s top management and board of directors, or to supplement industry and/or firm information provided in the case material.
Please stay true to the ending date of each case. Information made available after the ending date of the case should not be considered in your analysis. Just because a firm chose a particular course of action does not mean that it was correct in doing so.
Many of the items in a strategic audit lend themselves to lists or bullets. Although you are not required to use complete sentences in those portions of the audit, careful attention to grammar, mechanics, spelling, and proofreading will increase the likelihood of a good grade.
In grading your strategic audit, your instructor will give the most consideration to the quality of your analysis. Analysis focuses on meaning. Merely listing facts is not sufficient, even if you list great numbers of them. Your understanding of the meaning and implication of the facts is critical. For example, it does little good to compare financial ratios with industry averages unless you use that information to determine the financial condition of the firm and the implications for strategy formulation and implementation.
Students are often tempted to give little effort to the final sections of a strategic audit, especially those focused on implementation and evaluation/control. Often, the implementation of a strategy is vastly more important than its formulation. Omitting or giving little attention to the final sections of your strategic audit will result in a significantly lower grade.

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