Posted: May 30th, 2022

In his article, Brian Hall writes that Jack Welch, the legendary CEO of General Electric, strongly believed that “passion and accountability – intrinsic motivation and extrinsic rewards – are complementary features of high-performance organizations.” Critics contend that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic rewards don’t mix. What do you think?

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Respond to the discussion questions below. Post your answers on the discussion board. Your post should be one to two paragraphs in length.
In his article, Brian Hall writes that Jack Welch, the legendary CEO of General Electric, strongly believed that “passion and accountability – intrinsic motivation and extrinsic rewards – are complementary features of high-performance organizations.” Critics contend that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic rewards don’t mix. What do you think?
Can an organization combine intrinsic motivation and extrinsic rewards in a way that drives high performance?
If so, how?
If not, why not?

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