Posted: August 14th, 2022

In June 2016, the British voted to exit the European Union in the famous “Brexit referendum.” It took until December 2020 to finalize the conditions of leaving the supranational body and customs union. Answer the following prompt in an 8-page, double-spaced essay: Given the costs, conditions, and new trade deals of exiting the European Union, is the UK economy better off having left?

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Brexit: Net Positive?
In June 2016, the British voted to exit the European Union in the famous “Brexit referendum.” It took until December 2020 to finalize the conditions of leaving the supranational body and customs union. Answer the following prompt in an 8-page, double-spaced essay: Given the costs, conditions, and new trade deals of exiting the European Union, is the UK economy better off having left? Review the EU regulations prior to separation and the UK deals made after. Give empirical data to support your well-defined thesis. Define your terms. The page limits do not include a cover page, References List, or any appendices. Outside research is mandatory for this assignment. You need at least 10 sources. At least 2 sources of the 10 should be peer-reviewed (scholarly) sources. General Instructions for Assignments and Rubrics All assignments should be written in Word and uploaded as attachments within the Assignments section of the classroom. Use 12 pt. font and double-space. Be sure to put your name and class information on the document and put your name on the file. Insert page numbers. In-text citations to the readings should be included (the textbook and the journal articles as applicable). A reference list should be included at the end of your document. Assignments will be graded using a rubric appropriate for your class level.

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