Posted: February 23rd, 2022

In light of the discussion in this unit of the importance of similarity in attraction, why do you think it is that opposites may be attracted to each other in some cases?

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.Hello,I was looking for a template on my Psychology of Adjustment writing assignment. It has to be about 450-500 words, APA format, with about 3 citations from the book: (H) Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st CenturyWayne Weiten, Dana S. Dunn, and Elizabeth Yost Hammer, 2018Cengage LearningISBN.13: 978-1-305-96847-9Also, my teacher can be kind of a stickler. She docked my points on my last essay for this reason, “A standard essay contains three to five including the introduction paragraph, central paragraphs and conclusion paragraph.”I have to answer one of the three questions below: Please choose a question below and type your answer in the built-in text editor. You only need to select one question from the list below:What does the expression “opposites attract” refer to? In light of the discussion in this unit of the importance of similarity in attraction, why do you think it is that opposites may be attracted to each other in some cases?What do you think are the main factors in our society that have caused high divorce rates? Do you foresee a time in the near future when virtually no couples will remain married to each other throughout their lives?What do you think of the importance of biological versus environmental factors in gender differences in behavior? Do you think either one is more influential than the other
Requirements: 450-500

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