Posted: August 13th, 2022

In the chapter, Essentials of Leadership and Management the 3 styles of leadership were autocratic, participative and free-rein. Compose your essay using the information on the three common leadership styles from the chapter.

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In the chapter, Essentials of Leadership and Management the 3 styles of leadership were autocratic, participative and free-rein. Compose your essay using the information on the three common leadership styles from the chapter.
You have recently been hired as a manager at a salon that has been open for just a year. The salon is doing poorly: employees are not showing up for their shifts, customers are complaining about their services online and in person, and profits are down. The owner of the salon tells you that he was forced to fire the previous manager because she spent too much time chatting with employees in the break room rather than running the salon. He says that a big problem was that the previous manager also didn’t like to discipline employees, whom she treated as her friends.
First, identify the three common leadership styles. Next, describe when each leadership style should be used. Then, in one or more fully formed paragraphs, discuss which leadership style(s) best fits this situation, while also noting any caveats.

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