Posted: February 18th, 2022

In the context of Chapter 1, vignette “Thinking Like a Criminologist” (by the end of the section on “Ethical Issues in Criminology), is it fair or ethical to label people as potentially criminal and violent even though they have not yet exhibit yet any antisocial behavior?

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In the context of Chapter 1, vignette “Thinking Like a Criminologist” (by the end of the section on “Ethical Issues in Criminology), is it fair or ethical to label people as potentially criminal and violent even though they have not yet exhibit yet any antisocial behavior? Do the risks of such a procedure outweigh its benefits? Explain
An A response should have at least two well-explained arguments supported by in-text citations from Chapter 1, a response of a minimum of 300 words.
Criminology the core  (7th edition), Siegel   for references

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