Posted: October 11th, 2022

In the gantt view, enter high level categories, commonly called summary tasks, for your project.

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This week we are going to do a tutorial on MS Project. Open your MS Project. We will start to enter a project. You must make the assumption that the project charter is complete and signed. The project you select will be used throughout this course. In the Gantt view, enter high level categories, commonly called Summary Tasks, for your project. High level categories or Summary Tasks for building a house may include Prepare for Foundation, Foundation, Build house, Interior, and Landscaping. You may use a business project that you have been on before, or you may develop a new process for your organization, or create training for a new software or process just instituted at the company, start a new business, etc. Please do not use building a house. If you have questions make sure to contact your instructor. Make sure that you have at least 6 high level categories or Summary Tasks. Hint make sure to include project management as a high level task. Remember if it is not in the plan it will not get done. Project management is where the administrative tasks are included. Submit the Gantt chart.

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