Posted: February 19th, 2022

In thinking about your current position and the policies you work under, what do you see as your greatest exposure to involvement in litigation?

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Write a short (1 double-spaced page in APA format) response and/or reflection to the prompt.  In your reflection, you are encouraged to examine your personal thoughts.  You are also strongly encouraged to consider how the readings and other content of this class relate to the topic and how they inform your own understanding.
In thinking about your current position and the policies you work under, what do you see as your greatest exposure to involvement in litigation?  You do not need to share any specifics that might be disparaging of your school or incriminating of yourself.  Just in the broadest terms, share your exposure points.
Close with an analysis of how this course helped, made worse, or left you more confused.  I am also appreciative of any suggestions for improvement you may have.

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