Posted: June 22nd, 2022

In this assignment, you will explore the business situation that the Global Green Books Publishing is facing and how it was resolved using effective project management

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In this assignment, you will
explore the business situation that the Global Green Books Publishing is facing
and how it was resolved using effective project management. The
requirements for the assignments are:
· Read
the Mini Case Study attached to the assignment.
· Answer
the following questions based on the reading:
1. Who are the stakeholders of this
project? Who are the key stakeholders of the project? 2. What impacts could these requested
changes have on the budget? 3. Could these requested changes also
impact the schedule? If so, how? 4. What is Global Green Book’s process for
dealing with changes from their customers? 5. Do you see any possible issues with this
process? 6. How would you recommend that Global
Green Books handle these changes? Who should be involved? 7. What should Global Green Books do about
the conflicting inputs from their customer – the bookstore manager who wants
inexpensive eBooks and the professor who wants the best and most up-to-date
collection of readings possible for her courses?

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