Posted: June 23rd, 2022

In this Case, you are asked to consider ways a virtual team can explicitly establish communication and task norms that support high performance. The following reading provides some additional ideas for how a co-located team could engage in norm-setting. Case Reading

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In this Case, you are asked to consider ways a virtual team can explicitly establish communication and task norms that support high performance. The following reading provides some additional ideas for how a co-located team could engage in norm-setting. Case Reading
Cleary, Y., Slattery, D., Flammia, M., & Minacori, P. (2019). Developing strategies for success in a cross-disciplinary global virtual team project: collaboration among student writers and translators. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 49(3), 309. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Use the Module 3 Background, Required, and Optional readings list to support your discussions with at least 3 high-quality peer-reviewed references found in the Trident Online Library.
Assignment Expectations
For this Case, complete the following:
Identify 10 specific behavioral norms (five communication and five task norms) that you feel are essential to the smooth performance of virtual teams.
Explain why you feel these norms are essential.
Propose a specific action-plan virtual teams could use to develop and enforce task and communication norms.
Support your paper’s content with 3 high-quality peer-reviewed references available in the Trident Online Library.

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