Posted: September 29th, 2022

In this module, you have read about the value of segmenting the workforce to ensure that investments are made where the greatest return can be realized. This does not mean that all employees are not important—they are. But you can see where the differences in investments between those working in pivotal positions and those that are not might create tension.

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In this module, you have read about the value of segmenting the workforce to ensure that investments are made where the greatest return can be realized. This does not mean that all employees are not important—they are. But you can see where the differences in investments between those working in pivotal positions and those that are not might create tension.
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Based on your readings, you will discuss how to identify employees with high potential, any risks with doing this, and considerations for the best development methods for this segment of the workforce.
Respond to the following:
Discuss process options to identify high-potential employees.
Analyze potential risks involved with segmenting employees into high potentials.
How do you think that these risks can be mitigated?
What do you think is the most effective development method for high-potential employees? Explain your reasoning.

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