Posted: March 22nd, 2022

In this project, you modify a document about maximum and target heart rate for the American River Cycling Club.

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In this project, you modify a document about maximum and target heart rate for the American River Cycling Club. You arrange text in a table and insert and modify SmartArt and a picture.
[Student Learning Outcomes 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6]
File Needed: MaximumHeartRate-04.docx and HeartRate-04.png (Available from the Resources link)
Completed Project File Name: [First Name.Last Name]-MaximumHeartRate-04.docx
Skills Covered in This Project
•    Insert and resize WordArt.
•    Position and modify WordArt.
•    Convert text to a table.
•    Apply a table style.
•    Modify table and text alignment.
•    Change cell margins in a table.
•    Insert and add text to a SmartArt graphic.
•    Resize, position, and format SmartArt.
•    Insert, resize, and position a picture.
•    Insert a caption.
•    Align and group graphic objects.
This image appears when a project instruction has changed to accommodate an update to Microsoft 365 Apps. If the instruction does not match your version of Office, try using the alternate instruction instead.
1    Open the MaximumHeartRate-04.docx start file. If the document opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button so you can modify it.
2    The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
NOTE: If group titles are not visible on your Ribbon in Word for Mac, click the Word menu and select Preferences to open the Word Preferences dialog box. Click the View button and check the Show group titles check box under Ribbon. Close the Word Preferences dialog box.
3    Insert WordArt as the title of the document and modify the WordArt
a    Select the title of the document, “American River Cycling Club” (including the paragraph mark).
b    Click the WordArt button [Insert tab, Text group].
c    Select the third option in the first row from the WordArt gallery (Figure 4-104).
Figure 4-104 Insert WordArt
d    Change the Shape Width [Shape Format tab, Size group] to 6.5″.
e    Click the Position button [Shape Format tab, Arrange group] and select More Layout Options. The Advanced Layout dialog box opens (Figure 4-105).
Figure 4-105 Adjust position of WordArt
f    Change Alignment in the Horizontal area to Centered relative to Margin.
g    Change Absolute position in the Vertical area to 0.2″ below Page.
h    Click OK to close the Advanced Layout dialog box.
i    Click the Text Effects button [Shape Format tab, WordArt Styles group], select Reflection, and select the first option in the first row of the Reflection Variations area (Tight Reflection: Touching) (Figure 4-106).
Figure 4-106 Apply Reflection option
4    Convert text into a table and format the table.
a    Select all the tabbed text at the bottom of the document (including the last paragraph mark).
b    Click the Table button [Insert tab, Tables group] and select Convert Text to Table. The Convert Text to Table dialog box opens.
c    Click the AutoFit to contents radio button in the AutoFit behavior area.
d    Click OK to close the dialog box.
e    Click the Table Design tab (if necessary).
Click the Table Tools Design tab (if necessary).
f    Check the Header Row and Banded Rows boxes [Table Style Options group] (if necessary) and deselect the other check boxes.
g    Click the More button in the Table Styles group to display the Table Styles gallery.
h    Select Grid Table 4 – Accent 2 in the Grid Tables section (Figure 4-107).
Figure 4-107 Table Styles gallery
i    Place the insertion point before “Zone” in the second column in the first row, press Backspace to delete the space between words, and press Enter.
j    Place the insertion point before “Heart” in the third column in the first row, press Backspace to delete the space between words, and press Enter.
5    Adjust the size and alignment of the table.
a    Use the table selector handle to select the entire table.
b    Click the Align Center button [Table Layout tab, Alignment group] (Figure 4-108). All text in the table is centered vertically and horizontally.
Click the Align Center button [Table Tools Layout tab, Alignment group] (Figure 4-108). All text in the table is centered vertically and horizontally.
Figure 4-108 Align Center the text in the table
c    Click the Properties button [Table Layout tab, Table group].
Click the Properties button [Table Tools Layout tab, Table group].
d    Click the Table tab, select Center in the Alignment area, and click OK to close the dialog box. The entire table is centered horizontally on the page.
e    Click the Cell Margins button [Table Layout tab, Alignment group]. The Table Options dialog box opens.
Click the Cell Margins button [Table Tools Layout tab, Alignment group]. The Table Options dialog box opens.
f    Change the Top and Bottom cell margins to 0.03″ and the Left and Right cell margins to 0.1″.
g    Click OK to close the Table Options dialog box.
6    Insert and modify a SmartArt graphic.
a    Place the insertion point at the end of the second body paragraph, “(Example: . . .),” in the first section.
b    Click the SmartArt button [Insert tab, Illustrations group].
c    Point to Process in the list of SmartArt types.
d    Select Continuous Block Process to insert the SmartArt. If the Text pane displays on the left of the SmartArt graphic, click the X in the upper-left corner to close it.
e    Click the placeholder text ([Text]) in the first rectangle graphic, type 220, space once, and type – (hyphen or minus).
f    Click the next placeholder text, type Your Age, space once, and type =.
g    Click the last placeholder text, type Predicted Maximum Heart Rate.
7    Format, resize, and position the SmartArt.
a    Click the outside frame of the SmartArt graphic to select the entire SmartArt graphic. Note: Select the entire SmartArt and not an object within the graphic.
b    Change the Shape Height to 1.5″ and the Shape Width to 2.6″ in the Size group [SmartArt Tools Format tab].
c    Click the Wrap Text button [SmartArt Format tab, Arrange group] and select Square.
Click the Wrap Text button [SmartArt Tools Format tab, Arrange group] and select Square.
d    Click the Position button [SmartArt Format tab, Arrange group] and select More Layout Options. The Advanced Layout dialog box opens (Figure 4-110).
Click the Position button [SmartArt Tools Format tab, Arrange group] and select More Layout Options. The Advanced Layout dialog box opens (Figure 4-110).
Figure 4-110 Adjust SmartArt position
e    Change the Absolute position in the Horizontal area to 4.5″ to the right of Margin.
f    Change Absolute position in the Vertical area to 0.4″ below Margin.
g    Click OK to close the Advanced Layout dialog box.
h    Select the SmartArt (if necessary), select Intense Effect from the SmartArt Styles gallery [SmartArt Design tab, SmartArt Styles group] (Figure 4-111).
Select the SmartArt (if necessary), select Intense Effect from the SmartArt Styles gallery [SmartArt Tools Design tab, SmartArt Styles group] (Figure 4-111).
Figure 4-111 Apply SmartArt style
i    Click the edge of the first text box (“220 -”) to select it and press command+B to apply bold format. Repeat this format on the other two text boxes.
j    Select the last text box (if it is not already selected) and click the SmartArt Format tab.
Select the last text box (if it is not already selected) and click the SmartArt Tools Format tab.
k    Click the Shape Fill button and select sixth color in the first row of the Theme Colors (Red, Accent 2) as the fill color (Figure 4-112).
Figure 4-112 Change Shape Fill color
8    Insert a picture and resize and position the graphic.
a    Place the insertion point at the end of the second section heading (“Target Heart Rate”).
b    Click the Pictures button [Insert tab, Illustrations group] and select Picture from File… to open the Insert Picture dialog box.
c    Locate the HeartRate-04 picture downloaded from the resources link and click Insert.
d    Change the Height [Picture Format tab, Size group] to 1″ (the width adjusts automatically).
Change the Height [Picture Tools Format tab, Size group] to 1″ (the width adjusts automatically).
e    Click the Wrap Text button [Picture Format tab, Arrange group] and select Tight.
Click the Wrap Text button [Picture Tools Format tab, Arrange group] and select Tight.
f    Click the Align button [Picture Format tab, Arrange group] and select Align Right.
Click the Align button [Picture Tools Format tab, Arrange group] and select Align Right.
9    Format the picture and insert a caption.
a    Select the picture (if necessary), click the More button in the Pictures Styles group [Picture Format tab] to display the gallery of styles.
Select the picture (if necessary), click the More button in the Pictures Styles group [Picture Tools Format tab] to display the gallery of styles.
b    Select the Bevel Rectangle picture style (Figure 4-113).
Figure 4-113 Apply Picture Style
c    Right-click the picture and select Insert Caption from the context menu. The Insert Caption dialog box opens.
d    Click OK to insert the caption.
e    Select and delete the caption placeholder text, and type Know your target heart rate as the caption text.
f    Select the caption text, click the Text Fill button [Shape Format tab, WordArt Styles group], and select the sixth color in the first row of the Theme Colors (Red, Accent 2) as the text color.
Select the caption text, click the Text Fill button [Drawing Tools Format tab, WordArt Styles group], and select the sixth color in the first row of the Theme Colors (Red, Accent 2) as the text color.
g    Change the caption Height to 0.2″ and the Width to 1.5″ in the Size group [Shape Format tab].
Change the caption Height to 0.2″ and the Width to 1.5″ in the Size group [Drawing Tools Format tab].
h    Press the command key and click the picture. Both the caption and picture should be selected.
i    Click the Align button [Shape Format tab, Arrange group] and select Align Center.
Click the Align button [Drawing Tools Format tab, Arrange group] and select Align Center.
j    Click the Group button [Arrange group] and select Group. The picture and caption are grouped into one object.
10    Edit the alt text on the graphics in the document.
a    Select the border of the SmartArt to select the entire SmartArt graphic.
b    Right-click the SmartArt graphic and select Edit Alt Text from the context menu. The Alt Text pane opens.
c    Type Graphic of predicted maximum heart rate in the text box in the Alt Text pane.
d    Select the picture of a heart, type Picture of a heart in the text box in the Alt Text pane, and close the Alt Text pane.
11    Save and close the document (Figure 4-114).

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