Posted: June 6th, 2022

In your opinion, what are the three most important arguments about why performance reviews don’t work?

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Part 1: Performance Reviews
Articles (2): The Push Against Performance Reviews; 10 Reasons Performance Reviews Don’t
Using the provides articles, answer the following questions.
1. In your opinion, what are the three most important arguments about why performance
reviews don’t work? Why do you feel these are the most important?
2. For each of the three arguments you picked above, refute it – that is, provide a
counterpoint as to why a performance review can still be effective despite the
limitation identified in the argument.
Part 2: Apple
Article (1): Apple’s Retail Army, Long on Loyalty but Short on Pay
Using the provides article, answer the following questions.
3. In this article, what pay level is Apple said to have? Provide at least two pieces of
evidence to support your answer.
4. What are the reasons that Apple compensates its employees at this pay level?
5. For Apple store’s effectiveness and efficiency, what are the advantages (identify 2)
and disadvantages (identify 2) of this pay level?
Part 3: SAS
Articles (2): Motivation at SAS; How SAS Became the World’s Best Place to Work
Using the provided article, please answer the following questions.
6. What are examples of positive reinforcement at SAS (identify at least 2)?
7. Given its culture, what type of punishment or negative reinforcement (pick one)
would be effective at SAS? Why

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