Posted: August 4th, 2022

In your own opinion, is the term “unicorn” losing its meaning?

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In the world of startups, unicorns are increasingly becoming more common. As investment in Silicon Valley has boomed in recent years, so have the number of $1 billion-plus startups. This can be attributed to the greater access to early-stage funding and digital avenues, which have created the perfect environment for unicorns to thrive.
In your own opinion, is the term “unicorn” losing its meaning? Take into account the current number of unicorns globally, the series funding process, and other market variables.
The essay mentions that many unicorns lose a lot of money once they enter the public market. If you were the founder of one of these unicorn startups, why might you be hesitant to IPO? Why might you want to keep your company private? Discuss the pros and cons of each decision.
Do you believe the continuing growth of global unicorn startups could be causing a new market bubble? What makes you think so?

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