Posted: July 26th, 2022

In your paper, reflect on five-seven ideas and concepts you have studied/expanded on in this course that might enhance your ability to apply personal ethical values to ethical dilemmas in business and your professional career

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In your paper, reflect on five-seven ideas and concepts you have studied/expanded on in this course that might enhance your ability to apply personal ethical values to ethical dilemmas in business and your professional career
Rigor –graduate-level writing and research are expected in all written assignments
Follow APA style – this is a requirement! If you do not know it, learn it!!!
Title page – APA style – (Enlaces a un sitio externo.)
Reference page – follow an APA style to cite your references
Sources – 3-7 additional sources – published between 2015-2022 at least 2 additional sources should be scholarly peer-reviewed articles (UM Library Database)
Length of the paper
Paper 3 – 5-7 pages, double-spaced
Page number – upper right corner of a page
Font – Times New Roman, 12
Include the following subtitles – Introduction, Discussion (add additional appropriate subtitles within this section), and Conclusion

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