Posted: September 5th, 2022

*Instructions and discussion post to reply to are attached. The application of L

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*Instructions and discussion post to reply to are attached.
The application of LSS in Case Studies indicates the potential to use case studies in a broader sense. The application of LSS in case studies to business solutions requires an acute perspective which we hope to develop throughout this course. In this discussion, the student will consider an organization that has a manufacturing issue specifically, no one in the organization can seem to articulate why their final product (widget) takes less than 4 hours of actual prep/manipulation(stamping, carving, refining, etc.)/assembly/finishing, and yet the time from entry of all the raw materials to the ship date is 3 months. The organization seems to have plenty of supply and demand, space, resources, manning, etc. The student will discuss what part of LSS (Lean or Six Sigma) would be more appropriate/effective in solving this organization’s problem.
*Scholarly references should include the text attached, the Bible, and 2 additional sources dated within the last 5 years.
Yin, R. K. (2018). Case study research and applications: Design and methods (Sixth ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.
Chapter 3
Keller, T. (2012).
Every good endeavor: Connecting your work to God’s work. Riverhead
Books. Chapter 2
George, M., Rowlands, D., Price, M., & Maxey, J. (2005). The lean six sigma pocket toolbook: A quick reference guide to nearly 100 tools for improving process quality, speed, and complexity. McGraw-Hill.
Chapter 1-2
James Bible. (2022). King James Bible Online.
(Original work published 1769).

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