Posted: January 28th, 2023

instructions for paper review: Find a primary scientific article about birds fr

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instructions for paper review:
Find a primary scientific article about birds from a scientific journal. Examples of suitable journals include: Ornithology (formerly, The Auk), Journal of Avian Biology, Behavioral Ecology,Science, …etc.! (Once you find the article, make sure to send it to me first for approval). Once I approve it then you can start working on next steps which are: Summarize the article in your own words and provide your evaluation of each section of the
article. Examples of points to critique (after you’ve summarized each section’s contents):
-Do the authors explain/provide enough background information to
thoroughly frame the question or problem?
-Do the authors provide a convincing rationale for conducting their
experiment or observational study?
-Is the hypothesis (and its accompanying predictions) or objective
clearly stated?
-Could you replicate the study/experiment based on the methods
-Are you convinced that the study/experiment was conducted in a
scientifically sound manner?
-Did tables and figures help you to understand the study’s results?
Did they simply repeat or did they complement the text?
-Was it clear to you which results were statistically significant?
-Did the author(s) immediately state the study’s conclusions? (e.g. Was
their hypothesis supported or not?)
-Did they provide adequate interpretation/explanation of their results?
Did effect sizes indicate biological significance?
-Were results interpreted in the context of previous studies? Was it
clear what the study contributes to ornithology?
-Did the authors identify weaknesses/limitations of their study?
-Were avenues for further research suggested?
4) Overall, were you convinced by this paper?
Please follow the instructions carefully and work accordingly. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

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