Posted: August 30th, 2022

Instructions: State the question and follow with your response. Answer the quest

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Instructions: State the question and follow with your response. Answer the questions as comprehensively as possible and in your own words, supporting your answers with the readings. Responses to each question should be at least 2-3 paragraphs. Please do NOT use direct quotes or bullet points. Create and answer two further relevant questions to possibly discuss in class if time allows. 1. What challenges did Toby Johnson face when she first took over as manufacturing manager at the Williamsport plant? 2. Map out the sequence of specific actions that Johnson took at the plant. What was the purpose and impact of each? Which were most important in your eyes? Why? 3. If you were in Johnson’s shoes, would you champion the Williamsport plant for Team 4-Ward pilot? Criteria for evaluation of study questions:
2 points – study question answers are complete and exhibit reasonable effort
1 point – study question answers are not complete or exhibit only marginal effort
0 points – study question answers are not submitted

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