Posted: September 24th, 2022

International business

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Case Study Assigned: Netflix, Inc.
This is your fourth case study assignment out of four. For this assignment, you will need to access the full-length case study you have been assigned at the top of this page within your Case Studies eText. You are required to read and analyze this case study.
Your analysis must:
Describe the company’s organizational culture and present evidence from the case to support your opinion. At a minimum, include discussion about the company’s values, norms and artifacts, as it relates to their culture.
Describe the company’s organizational structure and present evidence from the case to support your opinion. At a minimum, the discussion should touch upon the building blocks of an organizational structure (specialization, formalization, centralization and hierarchy.
Discuss whether or not you believe the organizational culture and structure align with the organization’s ‘strategy’. Explain your rationale.
Provide a total of four findings of fact; 1 from the following four functional areas of business:
inance or Accounting
International Business
Provide a full justification and recommendation for each finding of fact (minimum of 1 page each)
Case Study Assignment 4 should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and not exceed 12 pages.

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