Posted: February 28th, 2022

Is a CS a replacement for a UCS or an opponent reaction?

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Is a CS a replacement for a UCS or an opponent reaction? What theories support these viewpoints and what does the research suggest?
What are tbe A1 and A2 states in SOP theory and what are some clear examples of their states? Despite that the research, why is SOP no longer a popular theory?
Compare and contrast the important ideas of SOP and AESOP. In your answer be clear about research supporting SOP and supporting AESOP (i.e., why would scientists believe one theory is more valid than the other)?
Describe the major variables and ideas of the Rescorla-Wagner model. How does this approach better explain learning than other models or what is the new and special component that it adds?
What are cue blocking and overshadowing? How are these described in Rescorla-Wagner’s approach and what are good examples from the real world?
Compare and contrast the strengths and predictive power for learning of Rescorla-Wagner’s approach with at least one of the following: Comparator theory; Attentional theory; Retrospective Processing theory.  Be explicit as to how the models differ and give examples of each.

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