Posted: November 15th, 2022

Is the research biased or objective?

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You are looking for the 4 or 5 best and most diverse witnesses to the event or document from the time period/historical context: 4 or 5–Primary—how was this person directly involved, what makes this person/text one of witness, how is this an original source and how does source give historical context/documents law/court case
Shayon, Robert Lewis. “The Interplanetary Spock.” Saturday Review 17 June 1967: 46.
Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Sharon R. Gunton. Vol. 17. Detroit: Gale Research, 1981. Gale Literature Criticism Online. Web. 17 Nov 2009. This is the annotation of the above source. In this example, I am following MLA guidelines for the bibliographic information listed above. If I was really writing an annotation for this source, I would now be offering a brief summary/classification of what this source states. After a brief summary, it would be appropriate to assess this source and offer some criticisms of it. How is this source Primary? How was this person directly involved, what exactly was witnessed, how is this an original source and how does source give historical context? Is the research biased or objective? Are the facts well documented? Who is the author? Is she qualified in this subject? Is this source scholarly, popular, some of both? The length of your annotation will depend on the assignment or on the purpose of your annotated bibliography. After summarizing and assessing, you can now reflect on this source. How does it fit into your research? Is this a helpful resource? Too scholarly? Not scholarly enough? Too general/specific? Has this source helped you to narrow your topic?

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