Posted: August 14th, 2022

It is a summary paper covering the chapters 12, 13,14 of the textbook: Small Business Management in the 21st Century, Online edition. Saylor Academy 2012. These paper must be 600 words (1 or 2 typed pages, single-spaced, one-inch margins, 12pt Times New Roman font). The paper needs to be well organized, using correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.

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It is a summary paper covering the chapters 12, 13,14 of the textbook: Small Business Management in the 21st Century, Online edition. Saylor Academy 2012. These paper must be 600 words (1 or 2 typed pages, single-spaced, one-inch margins, 12pt Times New Roman font). The paper needs to be well organized, using correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling.
Before start writing the memoranda, the student identifies the 3-4 main themes included in the chapters of the book and of the entire body of readings.
Each memoranda must include ALL of the following components:
1) Explain the 3-4 main themes in your own words. Please do not simply copy the words from the sources. I want to see that you actually understand these main points and can express it in your own voice.
2) What is the author’s reason for writing about this theme? What is he/she trying to perform with it? In other words, what is the theme’s relevance and why is it important for readers to understand the author’s claims?
3) The assignment is a summary of the content of the course. Please be aware that anything else submitted will be evaluated 0 (zero).
4) Please note that I may subject students’ paper to plagiarism check through a suitable software. If plagiarism is detected, the grade granted will be 1 (one).

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