Posted: July 26th, 2022

Job shadow a working professional

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Step 1: Choose any one of the activities below to complete the Work & Learn requirement:
Job shadow a working professional
Participate in a service learning event
Complete a case analysis with a local employer
Attend a professional community event and network with business professionals
Participate in a Global Studies or Cultural experience or activity
Step 3: Attend or complete your Work & Learn activity. Make notes about what you learned. If applicable and feasible, snap some photos.
Step 4: Share what you learned during your Work & Learn activity with your classmates. (Where possible, communicate your experience as it relates to a concept in this course.)
Discuss how you chose or discovered your activity.
What did you think heading into this activity? Were you nervous or did you feel well-prepared? If you felt under-prepared, what types of additional skills, experiences, or education do you need?
What did you learn about the company or organization you visited, or business person you shadowed?
What was your favorite or least favorite part of this experience?
Will you participate in this activity in the future? If not, what will stop you?
Did you find this Work & Learn assignment valuable? Why or why not?
Your initial posting should be at least two well-developed paragraphs at a minimum. You will also need to provide evidence that you completed the activity. Examples of evidence include (but are not limited to:) photo attachments, handouts, documents, business cards, and so on.

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