Posted: May 9th, 2022

Judge the behaviors and decisions of project stakeholders in light of the Codes of Conduct of different organizations involved in a project.

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In this assignment you will be assessed based on the following Outcome:
GM594-5: Judge the behaviors and decisions of project stakeholders in light of the Codes of Conduct of different organizations involved in a project.
In this assignment, you will explore ethical codes of conduct pertaining to an organization you choose. Successful organizations are committed to having guidelines regarding acceptable behavior. As part of this effort, appropriate and constant training is necessary.
Through Internet research, you will find a code of conduct of an organization in which you are interested. Remember that different organizations use different phrases and terms to title their codes of conduct. So, you may need to use combinations of keywords and phrases in your research such as, “code of ethics,” “code of conduct,” “code of professional responsibility,” etc.
Compare and contrast the code of conduct you select with PMI’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (n.d.) in terms of organization, content, and specificity. Then, present a real or hypothetical project scenario in which a Project Manager would be subject to both of these codes. Explain what section(s) of each code would apply to the scenario and discuss what actions would and would not be appropriate for the project manager, given your interpretation of the specified sections of the two codes.
Your paper must contain the following titled sections:
Introduction (present a thesis and explain how the body of the paper is arranged to support the thesis)
Organization of the Codes (Compare and contrast the organization of the two documents in this section)
Content of the Codes (Compare and contrast the content of the two documents in this section)
Specificity of the Codes (Compare and contrast the degree of specificity of the two documents in this section)
Project Management Scenario
Sections of the Two Codes Applicable to the Scenario
Analysis and Discussion of Acceptable Behaviors in the Scenario Based on the Codes
Conclusion (The main points of the paper are summarized and synthesized)
Title page formatted in current APA style with the following information: Title of the paper, your name, course number and section number, and date.
A table of contents using the following headers: Introduction, Organization of the Codes, Content of the Codes, Specificity of the Codes, Project Management Scenario, Sections of the Two Codes Applicable to the Scenario, Analysis and Discussion of Acceptable Behaviors, Conclusion, and References.
A minimum of three scholarly journal and textbook source references cited and credited according to current APA formatting style using a minimum of six in-text citations. With help with APA, go to the Writing Center under Academic Tools.
The paper should be focused and to the point, containing between 600–800 words (at least 5-pages) specific to the table of contents items, excluding references.

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