Posted: September 14th, 2022

Juice 2u direct manufactures and sells their product direct to customers in the usa.

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Supply Chain/Network Design Problem
In this assignment, students will plan a supply chain for a new customer, “Juice 2U Direct”.
Juice 2U Direct manufactures and sells their product direct to customers in the USA.
Please answer the following question:
1. Understanding of Juice 2U, competitors. Describe the framework in Porter’s 5 Forces. Identify with a clear explanation.
2. Understanding of Juice 2U vocabulary, issues.
3. Deep understanding of the specific functional area(s), topics, techniques and analysis methods. The functional areas and vocabulary refer to the key terms that you need to know to better serve your client. Think of terms like logistics, linear programming, supply chain logistics. Your should think of more terms and domains like this that will support your client’s efforts.

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