Posted: September 12th, 2022

Justify why you believe that is the competitive advantage using evidence collected via an online/external search.

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MBA 535 Assignment Part A
Your group is hired as an independent contractor to help Tricia Walker plan out a new music café in Cleveland, MS. Your contact is Tricia Walker
Note that I will grade these after you complete your peer reviews. Typically, this means that your work will take two weeks to get graded (one week for the peer reviews and one week for me).
Your recommendations and/or proposals should be developed to be presented to the business owners and top management. After studying the chapters corresponding to each Assignment, complete that Assignment and submit it through Canvas no later than 11:59 pm on the stated due date. Your submission for this Assignment should not exceed five pages. Your submission should be at developed and written at the graduate school level with any sources properly documented using APA format (see these web links for additional resources). (The paper does not need to be APA formatted, just the sources. I personally think single space paragraphs with an extra space between looks more professional). After the due date for the assignment has passed, you will be assigned a peer review to evaluate another student’s work, and receive a review in return. After the reviews are done, you will receive a grade and a critique from your professor Dr. Taran for the marketing and economic issues. Your response to the critiques should be incorporated in the final Assignment. (Parts A-E of this project is worth 50 points each and the final project is worth 200 points.) The client will review submissions as well, and can be made available to answer questions.
Specific instructions for Part A:
This first assignment is to gather/provide information regarding the organization’s marketing objective (you need to determine what that is). You are to clearly define/describe the client’s competitive advantage and its target market. You need to justify/explain why your analysis is correct. The following is an outline of the concepts you should discuss or consider. Remember, this should not be a report on “what it is” but also address “what it should be” (you are to be making recommendations). This analysis should include, but is not limited to (i.e., you can include other information than what is listed):
Competitive advantage
What type of competitive advantage does the firm appear to have?
Justify why you believe that is the competitive advantage using evidence collected via an online/external search.
Situation analysis
This involves conducting a SWOT analysis
You should also conduct a Marketing Environmental analysis (i.e. Social, Demographic, Political, Technological, and Competitive factors) to identify potential issues/opportunities that may arise.
Target Market
Economic factors (i.e., unemployment, national income, cost of living, purchasing power, inflation, recession)
Examine how these factors could impact the sale of the product. Pay attention to the statistics discussed and try to incorporate them into your answer.
Competitive factors
Identify what competitive the firm faces. Please note this does not necessarily mean competitors that make and identical/similar product. It may include firms that make comparable alternatives (i.e. a potential competitor for Coca Cola could be consumer electing to purchase water bottles to fill during the day to satisfy their thirst)
Consumer decision making issues
What factors impact the consumer decision making process and how does it play a role in deciding whether or not to purchase this product?
Try to concentrate on the (1.) consumers level of involvement and (2.) cultural, social, individual, and psychological influences on buying decisions.
Examine strategies for selecting a target market and determine what targeting strategy should be used. How does each of the proposed target market segment differ from on another.
How should the product be positioned in the consumers mind? Why do you believe this is the best position for the product? Justify your rationale with support from outside materials.
Over all, what tools can the firm use to achieve its goals
Links to resources that can be used for your write up (you are not limited to using only these resources)
Assignment A Grading Rubric
Chapters covered:
Economics: Chapters 4, The Market Forces of Supply and Demand; 15, Measuring a Nation’s Income; 16, Measuring the Cost of Living; and 20, Unemployment and Its Natural Rate.
Marketing: Chapters 1, An Overview of Marketing; 2, Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage; 4, The Marketing Environment; 6, Consumer Decision Making; and 8, Segmenting and Targeting Markets

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