Posted: November 15th, 2022

KPI’s: What are going to be 3 key metrics you will use to measure performance in your strategy and why

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your final project is a culmination of previous milestones. Your task is to compile all previous milestones and ensure any previous feedback given is addressed by this final submission, if warranted.  In addition you are to add this last final section as well into the submission closing out your digital strategy presentation
1) KPI’s: What are going to be 3 key metrics you will use to measure performance in your strategy and why?
2) What specific numeric goal are you giving each metrics? Example: Grow customer acquisition by 20%
3) For each metrics and stated numeric value goal, provide a justification based on industry research why that goal is achievable, and cite your industry reseach.
4) Provide a final 1-2 slide summary of the strategy. Recap it’s need to be conducted in order to grow your metrics identified and provide the value needed in the marketing problem,
5) For fun, provide a final slide with a quote from a business leader you find inspirational that fits your strategic plan as well.
This final section should be approximately 3-4 slides to be attached to all final milestones as well for a total presentation to be submitted by the deadline. 3-4 speaker notes per slide are expected. 

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