Posted: August 5th, 2022

Labor Unions have declined in popularity as measured by the percentage of workers who are members, and that is attributable to several factors. In our last discussion, we will share our opinions on the trend. What is the one factor you believe has contributed most to collective bargaining units declining? Do you think this trend will continue or reverse itself?

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Labor Unions have declined in popularity as measured by the percentage of workers who are members, and that is attributable to several factors. In our last discussion, we will share our opinions on the trend. What is the one factor you believe has contributed most to collective bargaining units declining? Do you think this trend will continue or reverse itself? Whatever your opinion, please provide a rationale for your position, and respect the right of others to hold a viewpoint that might be different from yours. Finally, if you quote statistics (or anything else), be sure to provide proper attribution/citations.

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