Posted: February 23rd, 2022
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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.(1-)Purpose:To persuade my classmates that law enforcement officials should be required to use body cameras at all times.I. IntroductionTeaser: Discussion of Michael Brown incident.
Thesis: Law enforcement officials should be required to wear body cameras.
Preview Statement: In this speech, I will first discuss the problems that arise from the lack of a video record of police-civilian interactions; second, discuss how that problem is caused by a lack of accountability; and, third, argue body cameras will alleviate this problem.
Transition: Before examining why cameras are so important, let’s look at the problems that arise when cameras are not present.II. Bodya. Main Point 1: The problems due to a lack of video evidence are significant.Decreases credibility of witnesses.
Allows for police abuse.
Prevents analysis of incidents for decreasing future incidents.
Transition: Now that we understand the problems, let’s look at some of the causes.b. Main Point 2: Resistance to the accountability of wearing body cameras is great.Resistance from police unions.
Resistance from governmental bodies.
Transition: Despite this resistance, there are things we can do to reduce this problem.c. Main Point 3: Solutions are available at the federal, local, and personal level.Federal level
Local level
Personal level
Transition: So, as you can see, requiring body cameras is necessary.III. ConclusionRestate Main Points: Serious problems arise when video evidence is not available, resistance to such accountability is great, however, we can take steps to solve this problem.
Restate Thesis: Law enforcement officials should be required to wear body cameras.
Clincher: Story of how protests and bad blood could have been prevented through body camera technology.
I. IntroductionTeaser: Story about the princess and the frog.
Thesis: A hopping origami frog is simple to make.
Preview Statement: Folding the frog will require three steps: first folding the base; second, the bottom; and third, the top.
Transition: Let’s hop to the first step: building the base.II. BodyA. Main Point 1: The base involves two folds and a squeeze.Fold one
Fold two
The squeeze
Transition: Now that we have a base, we can fold the bottom.B. Main Point 2: The bottom folds allow us to give the frog legs.The diamond
The chest
The legs
Transition: With the bottom completed, it’s time to finish the frog.C. Main Point 3: Once we fold the top, we can finish the frog and make it hop.The back legs
The spring
Transition: Now you know how to fold an origami frog.III. ConclusionRestate Main Points: Just remember the three simple steps: folding the base, folding the bottom, and folding the top.
Restate Thesis: Making an origami frog is easy.
Clincher: Not only do you have a frog, but also a ready-made prince!
Requirements: outline
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