Posted: February 20th, 2022

Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications report and need a reference to he

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications report and need a reference to help me learn.Description: After reading the
Saines summary of “How Information Works” and watching the
Information Literacy video, answer the following questions: -Of the “5
Components of Information Literacy” described in the video, which could be
seen as the most difficult? Why? Include an example from a previous assignment
or research project if needed. (Cite the video in-text for full credit.)
-Consider the Saines resource. Which of the six sections was most surprising as
it relates to your understanding of information literacy? (Authority is
Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation is a Process, etc.) (Cite
in-text.) -What connections exist between the video and the Saines summary? How
are the two approaches to information literacy similar? How are they different?
Be specific and identify at least one similarity and one difference. Include
APA References for the Saines source and the video. *Word count includes any
in-text citations but does not include your reference list.Video & PDF = See attachmentInformation Literacy Assignment After reading the Saines summary of “How Information Works” and watching the Information Literacy video tutorial, answer the following questions in a double-spaced Word or PDF document with “499Unit1LastName” as the document title. Include references for both the PDF & video, and in-text citations as needed. Be clear and concise to fit the word count! (150 min-300 max words,* 15 points) Of the “5 Components of Information Literacy” described in the video, which could be seen as the most difficult? Why? Include an example from a previous assignment or research project if needed. (Cite the video in-text for full credit.)
Consider the Saines resource (note: DO NOT refer to the actual ACRL article). Which of the six sections was most surprising as it relates to your understanding of information literacy? (e.g. Authority is Constructed and Contextual, Information Creation is a Process, etc.) (Cite in-text for full credit.)
What connections exist between the video and the Saines summary? How are the two approaches to information literacy similar? How are they different? Be specific and identify at least one similarity and one difference.
Include APA References for the PDF** and the video**
*Word count includes any in-text citations but does not include your reference list. (150 min – 300 max words
Requirements: (150 min – 300 max words,

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