Posted: February 20th, 2022

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me le

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me learn.Assume you are an advocate for globalization. Come up with reasons why you think globalization is “great.” In coming up with your reasons, don’t think of this solely from the point of view of companies, but from the world in general. What are the pros of globalization?
Assume you are a globalization critic. For each pro of globalization you see, can you come up with a counterargument? For instance, if someone believes globalization is positive for jobs, can it also be negative for jobs? Respond to the thread and explain why. In addition to the counterarguments, are there any other cons of globalization?
For the cons of globalization you see, is there a counterargument that globalization is actually good? Start your response with the word “pro” or “con” to indicate if you are focusing on a positive or negative aspect.
I need the answers to be as simple as you can
Requirements: 800   |   .doc file

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