Posted: February 20th, 2022

Learning Goal: I’m working on a environmental science multi-part question and ne

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a environmental science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Part 1— Discussion—-Select one featured current event article from the local paper or other news outlet. Read the article completely. Then respond to this discussion thread explaining the article you read and the bias or unfactual evidence that was presented. Tell us why you think this was presented that way? Please be sure to tell us the title of the article and who presentedPart 2—-=Your political views will often determine which newspaper or news channel you prefer. For example, people with more conservative views tend to prefer Fox News while people with more liberal views tend to prefer MSNBC. It is normal to have a preferred source for news, but challenge yourself to frequently read or watch news stories from opposing viewpoints. This will allow you to develop a well-rounded, informed opinion where bias is limited.Go to the All Sides Website (Links to an external site.). This site provides news from multiple perspectives to allow you to receive more balanced news.
At the top of the webpage, click on “Topics & Dialog.” Select a topic that is of interest to you (e.g., gun control, terrorism, etc.).
Select two articles on the same topic–one written from a “left” (L) perspective and one written from a “right” (R) perspective.
Read each article, highlighting areas that you feel are biased. Then, provide evidence for the following areas for each article:Bias through selection and omission:
Bias by word choice and tone (loaded language):
Bias by headline:
Bias by photos, captions, and camera angles:
Bias through use of names and titles:
Bias through statistics:
Bias by source control:
You will compare and contrast the two articles in one of the following formats:Word/Google Doc
Part 3—After exploring the following research site, select two “fact sheets” found on the State of the News page. Then, in a 2-4 page paper, summarize what you learned from these fact sheets and discuss why that information is valuable (consider the societal and cultural impact).State of the news media (Links to an external site.)Please be sure to include in-text citations and a reference pagePart 4—Please write a 3-5 page research paper on the topic of information in global societies. Be sure to address privacy issues vs the right to information, news bias, and the role of the internet. Use the knowledge you gained in Modules 1-4 to help you complete this paper. The paper should be written in APA format using the template below. Be sure to explore the Hodges Library and the amazing resources they have to offer. You will need a minimum of three academic sources–two of which should be peer reviewed.The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you now understand how to write a brief, well-researched, impartial paper that can educate others with facts supported by evidence. We are seeking to make you better critical thinkers and ambassadors of information literacy. Once your paper is completed, please submit through Smart Thinking–a free resource that is available to you to proofread your work and ensure what you turn in is top notch. Please check for plagiarism and over borrowing. Remember, your paper should not have more then 20% ” borrowed ” material. We want to hear your thoughts on what you have learned rather than have you copy and paste what you read.
Requirements:   |   .doc file

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