Posted: February 20th, 2022

Learning Goal: I’m working on a humanities question and need support to help me

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a humanities question and need support to help me learn.QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CAPSTONE PROCESS AND DPP TEMPLATEAfter viewing the information on the capstone process and examining the DHS DPP Form [DOCX], what questions do you have as you prepare to move forward?This is an example of another student work so you will know what to do>> After reviewing the DPP Template and reading about the capstone process, there are several questions that I have. Please see the following:What specific types of documents do you, as the professor, require for us to upload to our eportfolio? Currently, Pathbrite is experiencing ongoing technical difficulties and Capella University’s technical department is unable to provide any assistance with this as Pathbrite is a separate entity. So, do you have any suggestions as to how we as learners can get our work completed/uploaded on-time using this site?
Is there a specific form that we need to use when requesting site approval? I know what I want to do and where I want to do but I have no idea where to get the information needed so I can move forward and stay ahead in this course.
Do we directly upload our CITI Certificate and email it to our Keystone Instructor, or do we need to do it via the course room (i.e., discussion post, assignment area, etc.)?
When are we assigned a mentor during this process? If we are already supposed to have one, then how can we find out who they are to establish contact? There is a lot of information to absorb and no “chain of command” of who to contact for questions and guidance as most of us have never done this before.
Is all the steps and milestones listed on the Doctoral Project Plan supposed to be completed at the end of these 10 weeks as a part of HMSV 8700 or is it detailing the process up until graduation?
When we submit our assignments for this course, do they all need to be submitted in the DPP Template?
The DPP Template states that we are to use APA 6th edition but there is now a 7th edition…. therefore, which one are supposed to use for proper citation?
I do not understand the difference between the Keystone Instructor and Capstone Mentor. Can this please be further clarified as it is unclear in the DPP?
While there are many other questions that I know I will have during this keystone course, I cannot think of any at this very moment as I feel defeated already and very stressed. To be frank, I do not feel prepared for this course at all and am a little disappointed at how little Capella University has done to prepare us all for this phase of doctoral journey. Very little of this DPP or the process is making any sense right now and it is a shame that as hard as we have all worked, that we (majority of my fellow learners in this course) are feeling the same way. I am overwhelmed, confused and feeling abandoned to figure this out on my own which is a disgrace. I pray that Dr. Bowen will be of help to not only myself but my fellow classmates……
Requirements: …

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