Posted: February 20th, 2022
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Learning Goal: I’m working on a management discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.For this week’s discussion, you will want to think about the materials from the text and the lecture and then address the following in your initial posting:What are the five most important managerial skills/characteristics in today’s organizations for managers to be successful, and why did you select those as your top five?
What managerial theory or theories do these skills/characteristics most align with that managers need to be able to apply to real-world situations?
Based on those five skills/characteristics, what are your top two in terms of strengths, and why? What are the two that you are weakest at, and why did you choose those? Provide examples.
For the two skills/characteristics that are your weakest, how can you improve upon them to help ensure you would be an effective manager?
Make sure that you post your substantive initial posting no later than Saturday this week, and be sure to use outside support for your posting. This should be from reliable sources (other than the text book), and you need to reference the sources using proper APA Version 7 formatting.
Requirements: as long as needed | .doc file
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