Posted: February 20th, 2022

Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology exercise and need support to help me

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology exercise and need support to help me learn.In Week 5, you selected a case study for your Final Project research investigation. In Part 1 of the Final Project Worksheet, you identified the client, mental health disorder, and counseling intervention that will be the focus of your research. This week, you will complete Part 2 of the Final Project Worksheet. The goal of this Assignment is to conduct a review of the professional counseling literature and identify current, peer-reviewed articles to support your Final Project.To PrepareReview the media program, Final Project Worksheet Part 2, and consider your next steps for your Part 2 Final Project assignment.
Review the Final Project Worksheet you used for your Part 1 Assignment, and use Part 2 of this worksheet to complete this Final Project assignment.
Incorporate any feedback you received on Part 1 from your Instructor during Week 5.
Search the Walden Library and choose three articles that relate to the intervention and mental health issue that you chose for your Final Project using the criteria below:Three current (last 10 years) and peer-reviewed articles from professional counseling journals.
Include at least one quantitative and one qualitative research design.
Do NOT use meta-analysis type articles.
Verify that the research is not outside of the scope of practice for a professional counselor.
For each article you chose, be sure to provide:A complete citation of the article
The methodology used in each article
Permalink for each article.
Feedback from Instructor: Please read over the feedback on the paper and rubric. The content missing is your connection between the case and the DSM 5 dx- you will need to indicate how your client has met the DSM 5 dx you are indicating. Please reach out to me with any questions that you may have. I have indicated that you will be using this as an opportunity to sharpen your skills for your practicum/ internship work.
Required ReadingsBalkin, R. S., & Kleist, D. M. (2017). Counseling research: A practitioner-scholar approach. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.Chapter 8, “Examining Differences Within Groups and Single-Case Research Designs”
Chapter 9, “Synthesizing Research Results Using Meta-Analysis”
Caruth, G. g. (2013). Demystifying mixed methods research design: A review of the literature. Mevlana International Journal Of Education, 3(2),122. doi:10.13054/mije., L. H., Watson, T. S., Meeks, C., & Young, J. S. (2002). Single-subject research design for school counselors: Becoming an applied researcher. Professional School Counseling, 6(2), 146.Walden University Course Guides (2017). COUN 6626 Research Methodology and Program Evaluation: Week 7. Retrieved from
Requirements: 2 pages

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