Posted: February 20th, 2022

Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology project and need a sample draft to he

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology project and need a sample draft to help me learn.This week, your task is to create a purpose statement for your proposed study. It needs to indicate the intent, goal, and rationale for researching the problem addressed in Assignment 2. The purpose statement should begin with “The purpose of this (quantitative or qualitative) study is to . . .” Use the following list to create the purpose statement, which should be approximately one page: Study method
Study design
Target population
Research setting
Sampling frame
Sampling method
Sample size (justified by scholarly sources and a power analysis for quantitative studies)
Data collection method (including instrumentation)
Data analysis method
Software to be used for analysis
Closing statement as to how the study results may inform theory
Length: approximately 1 page Your purpose statement should be directly aligned with the problem statement. Be sure that you have incorporated any feedback you have received from your professor into your problem statement.
Requirements: 1 PAGE

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