Posted: February 20th, 2022

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and ans

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Read through the Project 1 practice scenarios linked below. These all feature small case studies of communication problems in the workplace and ask that you practice your own PTC skills to help resolve an issue.Before you can begin using Professional and Technical Communication to solve problems, however, you need to make sure you have a deep understanding of the rhetorical nature of the issues at hand.Please download and read through the Project 1 practice scenarios here: Project 1 paddanalysis worksheet.pdf Download Project 1 paddanalysis worksheet.pdf This assignment asks you to analyze Purpose, Audience, Design, and Delivery (PADD) by answering a few questions after reading each scenario. Feel free to write the answers to these questions on a separate document and uploading. For more information about the Rhetorical Situation and performing a PADD analysis, check out this video I made: (Links to an external site.)PreviousNext
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