Posted: March 2nd, 2022

let’s talk about a common problem we run into as business analysts when eliciting requirements. Often, our SME’s will share with us a solution vs. what their requirements are.

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.let’s talk about a common problem we run into as business analysts when eliciting requirements. Often, our SME’s will share with us a solution vs. what their requirements are. “After all, if you just add this column here, that will solve all of my problems”. Remember, with requirements we are looking to understand the need and then the solutions(s) will be built from there. Prompt: During an interview, your SME continues to jump to solutions. What can you do to redirect the conversation to be based on requirements? Cite any articles that you source for your advice.
Requirements: 300   |   .doc file

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