Posted: September 14th, 2022

Limit the number of bullets per slide to no more than five (5) to ease reading.

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Your PowerPoint Presentation, consisting of 4-6 slides, should contain pertinent information derived from your Company Profile Report. The point of this assignment is to prove that you can create a PowerPoint presentation which correctly addresses both the audience and the purpose. The PPT:
MUST contain at least 4 but no more than 6 slides (4-6 slides total) hitting the highlights of your Profile. Meaning, you might have slides which match the headings in your report such as: company overview, positions available, salaries, benefits, education level required, number of employees and stores, other interesting info, etc.
SHOULD be appealing, interesting, and comprehensive of information that you would present if you were actually getting up there to present this to the class.
SHOULD use color and pictures (which can include clip art, photos, graphs, etc.) to visually enhance this presentation- the better it looks, the more points I tend to give.
SHOULD NOT include TOO MUCH INFO on any one slide.
SHOULD maximize space and minimize wording by using bullets. You should NOT use long paragraphs that are difficult to read. Limit the number of bullets per slide to no more than five (5) to ease reading. Too much information makes the presentation hard for someone in the audience to read.
PPTS can be most easily seen in a large room on a dark background with lighter font.
SHOULD be on a background which makes the wording easy to read. Solid backgrounds tend to work best. If the background is too graphic or contains striations in color, the wording often can’t be read by the audience.
CAN include video or audio clips just as if you were truly presenting…just make sure that pictures/video/or audio are appropriate for the course- (if you could show it to your grandparents- it should probably be alright).

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