Posted: October 29th, 2022

List all the sources you use in apa style format at the end of your post and cite all the sources at least once in your post.

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This class covers many important topics about procurement and materials management. Select a topic for your final research paper. Describe how the topic fits into the materials covered in the course. Tell the class what you expect to learn form conducting research on the topic. Also, tell us why you are interested in this topic.
List all the sources you use in APA style format at the end of your post and cite all the sources at least once in your post. If you quote the text, make sure to include the page or paragraph number in the citation. Also, your post should be free of spelling and grammar errors and be at least 400 words (about one page of text). You should use Word to check your text for spelling and grammar errors and to also check the word count. The research paper requirements, format, and rubric are posted in Module 1 on the Required Resources page. Make sure you read the documents before you complete this discussion forum. The research paper and its short presentation are due in Module 6. Contact your professor, if you have any questions about the research paper, the presentation, or this discussion forum. Your professor must approve your research paper topic and will do so in this discussion forum.
“Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 7th Edition Robert M. Monczka; Robert B. Handfield; Larry C. Giunipero; James L. Patterson”
This is the book I honestly don’t care what topic you pick but long as. it goes with this subject

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