Posted: September 2nd, 2022

List three products that you can purchase at a local store that are only available due to global trade, and discuss the impact of global trade on the local store.

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With the help of the global economy, U.S. consumers have come to expect products from across the globe to be on store shelves whenever they want. But there are events that impact the global supply chain and the products we see in stores.
In the discussion post, address the following :
1. List three products that you can purchase at a local store that are only available due to global trade, and discuss the impact of global trade on the local store. 2. Using one of the sources provided, list an occurrence (for example, , oil prices rising, a hurricane, or war) that prevented a product from being sold in your local market or that affected the product’s condition or price significantly. Discuss how frequently you notice missing products or significant price changes due to events in other countries.
Use one of these sources to address second question.

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