Posted: August 25th, 2022

Listed below are topic(s) I would like for each of you to discuss throughout the

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Listed below are
topic(s) I would like for each of you to discuss throughout the week. Refer to
the weekly materials, your textbook, and/or the GMC library when researching
the topics for this Discussion Forum. Put your writing into your own words, do not copy directly from the
source. If you incorporate
scholarly/peer reviewed sources ( in
your posts be sure to cite (
them properly.
Review the four major
categories of the cost of quality. Reflect upon the definition of
each one and then answer the following questions:
Which one will have the
greatest impact for reducing overall quality costs? Why?
Which one (in general) results
in higher quality costs to the company?
Relating to the fifth
category, provide an example of a recent (within 10 years) event relating
to ethical failure costs and the impact to the company.
Discuss the differences between
economies of scale and diseconomies of scale. What are factors that
must be considered by an operation when considering economies of scale?
How are the expansionist strategy and the wait-and-see strategy
linked to economies of scale?
Task 1: Create a new discussion topic on or
before the due date in the Course Syllabus -> Course Schedule by
clicking the ‘**REPLY HERE**’ post below. In your reply, you will post your
response to the main topic. Your response should be a minimum of 150
words. Going over the minimum word length requirement is acceptable;
however, I am not looking for 500+ words!
Task 2: After you have created your new
discussion topic and replied to the main topic, you will read and
respond to at least 2 participant responses (includes both learners and
instructor). Your main topic response and your participant responses need
to be over two or more days. Remember to engage with participants through
meaningful and relevant dialogue, which furthers the discussion. Incorporate
what you have learned from the weekly reading material and from your own
real-world experiences into your participant responses. Don’t forget to
use proper APA citations and references whenever necessary. Overview: Chapters 3 and 4
Any instance when a process fails to satisfy a customer is considered a defect. Most experts estimate that the cost of quality ranges from 20 to 30 percent of gross sales. Total quality management (TQM) is a philosophy that stresses three principles for achieving high levels of process quality and performance: 1) customer satisfaction, 2) employee involvement, and 3) continuous improvement in performance. In Chapter 3, the TQM principles and the concepts of acceptance sampling, statistical process control (SPC), and process capability will be presented. Capacity planning involves both long-term and short-term planning techniques. Long-term capacity planning deals with investment in new facilities and equipment and typically covers a minimum of two years into the future. Chapter 4 focuses on long-term capacity planning and the three dimensions to capacity strategy: sizing capacity cushion, timing and sizing expansions, and linking process capability and other operating decisions.

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