Posted: June 17th, 2022

Look ahead to the Week 7 and Week 8 assignments. You will want to carefully plan

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Look ahead to the Week 7 and Week 8 assignments. You will want to carefully plan your time each week to fulfill the assignment requirements.
Week 7 – Data Collection and Analysis Worksheet
Week 8 – Organizational Analysis Report
Write a 260- to 350-word outline summarizing your plan for completing the Interview Data Collection and Analysis Worksheet assignment due in Week 7.
The following are suggested topics for your summary:
Identify 2-3 organizational problems you would like to address. Provide rationale for each. Note: As you progress through the assignment, you will narrow your topic to one organizational problem.
Describe your potential interviewees and your rationale for selecting each person. Note: Remember to avoid using real names or personally identifiable information. Code interviews using non-personal identifiers.
Describe the steps you will take to select and schedule interviewees. How will you ensure you have enough time to complete each interview? Where will interviews be conducted and in which week of the course?
Propose some interview topics or questions you would like to use. Where appropriate, provide rationale for each.

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