Posted: September 23rd, 2022

Make sure your response is well written and free from grammar or spelling errors and all sources are cited.

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Chapter Six: Ethical
Decision Making:
Responsibilities and
Employee Rights
Review the discussion in the chapter regarding global labor challenges. Choose a specific issue such as child labor or sweatshop labor. Go online and find a news story about a particular company accused of employing child labor or sweatshop labor. Respond to the following questions: (5 points each)
1. Provide a brief description of the company and the allegations of unethical labor practices.
2. Discuss how the company involved defended itself against the allegations. Did it defend its practices or deny allegations?
3. Do you find the company’s defense convincing? Why or why not?
4. What if anything, was the impact of these allegations? Discuss any consequences or changes that occurred as a result of the allegations.
Each question should be clearly numbered and supported with evidence and examples. Make sure your response is well written and free from grammar or spelling errors and all sources are cited.

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