Posted: August 6th, 2022

Managers and leaders have different roles and responsibilities within an organization, and within society. As a leader or a manager, one goal is to create the next generation of leaders, again not only within an organization but within society. With that background, create a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation that is meant to be presented to new employees at an organization with the hope that they will grow into the next generation of leaders. In the presentation, addresses the following:

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Managers and leaders have different roles and responsibilities within an organization, and within society. As a leader or a manager, one goal is to create the next generation of leaders, again not only within an organization but within society. With that background, create a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation that is meant to be presented to new employees at an organization with the hope that they will grow into the next generation of leaders. In the presentation, addresses the following:
· What is a leader.
· The traits and characteristics of a leader.
· How a person can be, or become, a leader.
· The specific strategies, educations, and learnings that an employee should acquire in order to raise their ability to be, and become, a leader.
· Finally, a person you would propose as a leader for employees to emulate, and why.
Include at least 3 citations from different scholarly sources. Ensure your PowerPoint presentation is vibrant, interesting and compelling. Feel free to use pictures, graphs, and videos to capture the interest of your audience.

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