Posted: May 31st, 2022

Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace

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Please, use 6 PEER REVIEWED SOURCES + Textbook attached, especially this part:
Reading: Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace
Chapter 9: Interpersonal Relationships in the Global Work Context
Professional Assignment 2 – CLO 2
The University of Nebraska Medical Center-Omaha hired you as a diversity management consultant. The vice president for center operations wants to highlight the medical center’s reputation for excellence in accommodating individuals with physical disabilities. As per the contract, one of your deliverables is to write an article on this topic for the medical center newsletter.
From your years as a diversity consultant, you are familiar with the ADA.
Discuss the key aspects of ADA that you will share with all employees so they understand the importance of the topic.
Include a discussion on how ADA assists organizations in maintaining a diverse workforce.
Write a 3-5 page report for the medical center’s company newsletter, which clearly identifies the key elements and importance of the ADA and how ADA can be used to help organizations maintain a diverse workforce. Your article should conform to APA standards and include at least six (6) peer-reviewed sources to justify your responses.

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