Posted: August 27th, 2022

McDonald’s failure to launch in Scandanvian/Nordic countries

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McDonald’s failure to launch in Scandanvian/Nordic countries
Required slides:
1. Background of McDonalds
2. History of McDonald’s
3. international/multinational fast food chains vs only north american fast food
4. Breakdown of market value, market growth rate, number of branches, most
profitable locations in europe, North American and asia (countries)
5. McDonald’s failures in europe, north america and asia
6. Recommendations to successfully grow McDonald’s in Scandanvian/Nordic countries
References required: 3-5 in MLA format
Topics must be related to a company’s international business challenge and lessons learned in class. You will need to analyze the issue and make recommendations. Recommendations should include the intended impact to solve the problem at hand.
At the end of the semester, each group will present a 13-15 min min slideshow and answer questions (5 mins). The project must be logically organized, have a good narrative, not go over the allotted time, etc.
Design, visualizations, and communication matter. Make sure to include data, and citations (footnotes, MLA).
Please see the attached rubric and samples.

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