Posted: October 17th, 2022

Mention word limit on top of report.

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Tip: The best way is to develop notes every week on your learning and use them to write the report. Use your own summarizing of each topic to build the report as in this grading rubric table:
Pro (contributes to higher grade) Con (contributes to lower grade) Topic coverage:
All topics in course outline until report deadline are sufficiently covered in the report, in a way that shows reflection and learning. Some topics missed, or mentioned very briefly (does not show understanding of topic). Simply repeats known information of readings as summaries without any reflection or learning Connections among course readings:
Report develops connections across course topics (shows reflection and deeper understanding of content)
Each topic is mentioned separately and disconnected from the rest (shows limited understanding of content). External Links and Examples:
Links to things outside the class readings – such as other coursework, experiences, news, and examples to show the material has been understood and can be applied broadly No external links or external links are mentioned so briefly that do not show understanding and application. Length:
Report uses full word limit allowed and is not over word limit. Mention word limit on top of report.
(Note: References to course readings or any other material you use can be in any format, and are not counted towards word limit). Report is substantially under the word limit (e.g. 100 words or more under limit, shows lack of effort)
Report is substantially over the word limit (Up to around 50 words over limit, no penalty. After that, you lose 0.5 mark for every 50 extra words) Writing Quality, Structure:
Writing quality is clear and concise. Report structure is easy to follow and is logical and meaningful – deep thought has been given on how to structure the report. Quality is achieved after multiple revisions and editing. Writing is full of errors, and unnecessary repetitions. Report structure is difficult to follow, haphazard, random. It appears report is written in one quick go without thinking through the structure. Shows no attempt at revisions and editing. And there are some examples I also post, feel free to check

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